Springfield, Missouri was the first stop of a two week trip to the US I took in April. Why tell you about the CHE conference when Beth has done it so well? Excepting that I have not been to Cambodia, nor am I the color purple.... I must say that she described my week very well. Thank you, Beth! "This week I had the privilege to go to Springfield, Missouri…..famous for the Ozarks, Bass Pro Shop, Battlefield Mall, and throwed rolls (they literally throw rolls at you!!) Oh! Can’t forget….Andy’s Frozen Custard (sin in a cup, and a million calories!). And the international headquarters for the AoG (Assemblies of God) is also here…..it’s the same denomination of the international church I attended in Phnom Penh (ICA – International Christian Assembly). So what was I doing in Springfield, MO? Well, I attended a course on community health development, that was hosted by “Healthcare Ministries”….the healthcare arm of AoG. It was a great time of learning, in different and creative ways….lots of group work, role playing, and hands-on learning. What made it even more enjoyable was the awesome group of people that I got to spend 5 days with…..men and women who have a heart to serve for His Kingdom! And guess what?!....there was about 21 of us, and 4 of us have a heart for Cambodia!!! Isn’t that cool?! Well, it wasn’t all work….we also had fun during and after….there were skits with “motos” (that were mistaken for ambulances), goats (with udders….ask me later!), fights for the prime spot for group work (aka the library with wickedly comfy chairs), Lamberts Café (I don’t know how they can call this a café!....it’s gigantic!!....and they give you waaaaay too much food, and throw rolls at you!!....but man! they were the best rolls I have EVER eaten, oh! and can’t forget the deep fried okra, yum yum!)….hanging out at Andy’s Frozen Custard (never had frozen custard, it’s good stuff, but I’m sure I blocked a few arteries)……trying to figure out what colour we are….apparently I’m purple, others were a myriad of colours that we couldn’t agree upon, and one person, was hands down, without a shadow of a doubt, a unanimous GREEN!.....and way too many silly inside jokes!!! It really was a blessed time. And a nice change of pace. I have forgotten how much of a blessing it is to be learning! And to learn together with people who also want to learn. Thank you God for a wonderful privilege!" From Springfield I went to Dayton, Ohio to speak at a church, then saw family and gained poundage in Galion, Ohio. I'm back now in Quito with plans to travel to Guatemala and Atlanta this month.


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