of Rocks and Swamp Coolers

I wanted to put the “Best of Bryon” online. After editing it I decided to call it the “Rest of Bryon…”

And these days there is little rest as good ole Bryon continues looking for a job. Our career overseas stopped at the “No More Money To Send You Back” station, and we got off, had a cup of coffee and looked for the room titled “What to do with the rest of your life.” It turns out that that darned room was at another station, leaving us only with the “Fend for Yourselves” hallway that led out into “Cruel World Land”.

There is something to be said for gainful employment, especially the paychecks it yields. There are other important aspects, such as benefiting humanity, etc., but those things, these days anyway, conveniently find a place behind the US dollar. I’ve never been in the habit of calling the US dollar “Almighty” but if a few show up I might be inclined to. Heck, these days I'll even bow.

Besides trying to show potential employers just how valuable a Bryon edition would be to their lives, I’ve also been doing a lot of yard work. This is a misnomer, as out west a “yard” i.e. “grass” is a foreign idea (a “back east” one) that only comes about with abundant watering….why should third world countries use water that could be going to our imported lawns? Our lawn-less property did have a LOT of deadwood, which I cleared out and had made into pleasant looking wood mulch. After moving a LOT of rocks (small rocks often replace grass here as rocks require less water to do whatever they do) I inserted the wood chips and am now about to trim the hedges. You have to be careful, back east if you trim too much the hedge responds “see you next summer.” Out here it’ll ignore you for years.

My neighbor Gary said if I wear a long sleeve white shirt and keep it wet I’ll remain cool by creating a swamp cooler effect. I tried it and he was right! I’m a walking swamp cooler!

I can now add that to my resume….that’s gotta help.


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